Monday, 24 March 2008

3 weeks left in Bangaloraaa. and Happy Easter also. only. actually.

Hellope! So i am officially crap at writing this blog but you knowwwwwww, so many more fun things to be doing than sitting on a computer!!
So where have i been since i last wrote...... Went to Mysore on a camping/safari type thing with all the gap guru crew. was a very funny weekend.. saw some elephants, monkeys... had a tribal dance! went rafting... saw the mysore palace 'illimination' (allumination) which was pretty impressive. went to a markett... feels like ages ago now! i guess it was though.
Then have been schooling, working... making worksheets. its all about phonics and ch and sh and th and oo and ee.! the kids are still amazing. and the annual day was one of the best nights ever, quite emotional! the play was briliant. and a Kanada film star came and watched and gave a speach which all the kids, parents and teachers loved!
Then went to Goa for a few days... lots of beaching, swimming, sunbathing (ish), eating, drinking, dancing, scootering.... was very fun. Was like a holiday. you dont feel like you're in India at all. Full of hippy travellers and lots of white chavs too but was a nice break. oh and me and deepa had champange bought for us which is always good!! Tried to get a little brown but pretty much failed miserably.. sunbathing is just oh so boring.!
then back to Bangalore for a few days then offfff to Delhi and Rajasthan on gap guru trip thing.
Had a very good week. there were 20 of us which was a bit of a mission at times and a bit school trip like but also pretty hilariouso. Went to Agra- saw the Taj Mahal... amazingggggggggggggg. so surreal to actually see it first hand! Then had 20 hour train journey to Jasilmer... bloody long but wasnt too bad. long journeys are nothing now.! Jasilmer was awesome. saw a fort... lots of fretwork. its all about symmetry repetition pattern! ha ha. bought some nice things.. then went to Jodhpur... did more stuff, wont bore you with it all! then Jaipur where we celebrated holi which was WELL fun. my hair is still pink.
Now im back in Bangalore and must make the most of my 3 weeks left here. Dont want to leaveeeee! although am looking fwd to seeing the familia and angie ofcourse! but time is going too too quick and ill be home before long which is good but means i have to get a job, argh!!
But yeah am happy and having lots of fun and wont ramble on any longer!
I hope everyone is relly well.
Lots and lots of love. X X X.

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